Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Sometimes having a down day can be soooo beyond frustrating. I guess with my 10 yr. highschool reunion coming up I've put so much pressure on myself I got to the point of having a mini breakdown. With all the drama the world puts on each other whether that be highschool or a decade later "keeping up with the 'Jones'" it all gets pretty ridiculous when we look back and have an attitude of gratitude. Looking at all my husband and I have come thru in the last 5 yrs we should be dead, divorced or in an institution other than marriage! But we're not! And the glory belongs to Jesus Christ alone! While we're still pursuing our own dreams, each at our own pace, I remain so grateful for everything, including my husband, and close friends, in addition to a loving church family who loves me and accepts me for who I am, no strings attatched. I have an Awesome God, who loves me, cares for me and always has my best interest in mind and takes every situation and turns it around for my good and ultimately His glory! So while I'm still in transition and I have no idea how long I'll be here (not too long-no camping out) but if it's longer than I expected or wanted in order for my destiny in Christ to come to fulfillment so be it, I've surrendered once again, my will, my time schedual for His. With that: rejoice in what you have, come to the Awesome Creator, Jesus Christ, and recieve all He has for you. Lovingly, Tiffany Renee

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