Friday, March 28, 2008

I spotted. .. .


I was trying to capture the snow flakes in the picture below. I was having a rough day and the Lord prompted me to look outside. It was so peaceful and serene just watching the little bursts of flurries scatter about and gently fall to the ground. After a short while of just enjoying the veiw outside my front door a beautiful bald eagle flew by. We live, literally, across the street from the Spokane River and I believe this is why I was able to see it so soar so close to my front door. However, I also believe that it was the Lord's perfect timing that brought me to that place in time. Oh, how much and how dearly He thinks of each of us. His thoughts towards each one of us outnumber the grains of sand.
It was just beautiful.
Psalm 139:17-18
"How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: . . ."

Thursday, March 27, 2008

There's no place like home. . .

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

I captured this memory, so close to my heart, about two yrs. ago:


These precious hand-altered kitchen towels have been in each apt. that Jason and I have resided in during our 6 1/2 yrs. of marriage. They were given as a wedding gift by a dear sister in the Lord who went "home" to be with Jesus a short while ago. I have to say they are one of the dearest wedding gifts we received not only because of who they're from but because of the love poured into them. She is sweetly remembered as "grandma" Dorothy. She definitely doesn't need to click any ruby covered pair of slippers because she's home with our dear *sweet* Jesus, resting safely in His care. _________________________________________________________

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

God knows...

Our Home is just a little house, but God knows where we live.

Truly knowing He cares, helps us to rest in this scripture:
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

These cameras are yet still more pictures we've left undeveloped for some time. If He can resurrect us maybe He can resurrect these photos. ;o)

Buga-boo! We love you!

I love my job! I get to nanny an 8 month old. He is so fun to be with, my husband enjoys spending time with this little one when he happens to have a weekday off. Triston you are a precious child! Buga-boo you've stolen our hearts.

Mmmm tasty camera!

Poor Triston has been sick for about a week. His grandma has been taking care of him so I have had a few days off. As relaxing as it's been I've missed him so much. He's doing much better now with his new antibiotics and is no longer contagious so I get to start watching him again tomorrow. I took these pictures about a month ago before he really started to go mobile. Even though he still loves to explore with his tongue, as most babies do; especially for texture, he doesn't do it as much because going mobile gives him a whole new little world to explore. We tend to continue to keep a close eye on him esp. since he is more mobile now, though still not quite crawling. We thought these pictures were absolutely cute and adorable!

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Life Worth Celebrating!

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice in it and be glad." Ps. 118:24 He is risen! The good news is that because of His Resurection on that first Easter morn: HE's alive and well and that's definitely worth celebrating! He's conquered death and sits at the right hand of the Father. It's awesome to know that even in the heavenlies, while he's gifted us His Holy Spirit here on earth and even though He's at his Father's right hand, that He is constantly interceding for each and every one of us. So even if no one else is praying for you right now, Jesus Christ is. Heavens gates are open wide that you and I may "enter in"! Praise Him!

"It is Christ Jesus that died, yea rather, that was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." Romans 8:34; "And he that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God" Romans 8:27, "Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." Hebrews 7:25


Jesus is the one who's given us life and as a child of God that's worth celebrating! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter; celebrating the love, peace and joy He's given us with one another, especially the lost and hurting. He put this short message on my heart today:

If you have surrendered your life over to the Lord this is a lovely part of what He has to say over you: "The LORD GOD is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17 We can know as His child that He cares deeply for us. His disciple Peter submits to us to: "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1Pet.5:7 If we do this we can then choose to rejoice in His peace and love. "I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul." Ps. 31:7
God has many promises for those in His Kingdom; the Kingdom of heaven. The only way to have heaven on earth is to be a child of the Most High God: Jesus Christ. Experiencing a life with Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the only way to "enter in " to His eternal Kingdom. Once that takes place we can rejoice in the journey along the way of learning how to become more and more like Him day by day. We can boldly come to the throne of grace receiving comfort for mourning, beauty for ashes, a healing balm for broken hearts and peace amidst any troubling storm. He will be there for you always. Even if we've given up on Him, He will never give up on us in this lifetime. Take this opportunity to receive His love, peace, joy and comfort for every circumstance and area of your life today. This will give you great cause to rejoice!
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice!" Phil. 4:4

"Let us therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace for help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Mttw. 5:4
"To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified." Isa. 61:3
"And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

"Now after the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave. And behold, a severe earthquake had occured, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. And his appearance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said . . .' " Mttw. 28:2-6
both Jesus pictures taken from Free Jesus pictures online

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

How can something seemingly so masochistic be a good thing? The greatest form of love would be for you to give your very life for another, right?
picture is from free Jesus pictures off internet Well, Jesus not only gave his life for each of us individually but he gave his life for every living human being that would arrive on this planet. That's a pretty awesome sacrifice if you ask me. You see, He took our place, because in order for any of us to co-exist with a truly Divine God then we would need to be holy ourselves because God Himself is so holy that absolutely no sin can exist in His presence. And truth be told, you or I wouldn't want it any other way. Who would want someone, say, as evil as say Hitler in heaven? Quite frankly, no one. Everyone has some form of injustice done to them at one point in time or another and sometimes, or even most times, daily. We've all done something wrong at one point in our lives or another. If not, we're hypocrites because no one is perfect; as the phrase goes: "yeah, but we're only human". When we're selfish we harm someone, whether that be just ourselves or most of the time several others, but God especially. So what can be done about it and why is it every religion desires/offers some form of peace as the common theme? Nearly every Miss America wants "world peace". This is the obvious common theme world wide. Huh, why is that? Could it be perhaps that the Creator of the Universe put that desire in the hearts of men to begin with so that when He called them unto himself they might recognize the hunger for this peace; His peace.
So why is Christianity the only way then? Can't there be other ways to reach this Holy God? Isn't that pretty judgemental!? Well, yes. But if God is the judge then it is up to Him not us to decide something like that [not us] and yes it still is[but it's His judgement not ours, and that's the only thing that makes it okay]. Have you ever noticed that basically all religion claims to be the only way. Only Allah, only Yahweh, etc. etc. ? Could it be that be that if there truly is only one way to God the others must only be false imitations? The premise here is God's judgement. This isn't to be used for Christians to judge other people (as sadly is sometimes the case of misguided individuals), it's the consequences that any one individual will receive that we as individuals should be concerned about, that being our own consequences for our own personal sins. He will be the one to judge each of us individually and again quite frankly we wouldn't want it any other way. Or those who condemn us or haven't forgiven us would toss us overboard to go to hell in a hand basket in the blink of an eye. But God came to save the world not condemn it; very important yet, often overlooked aspect of Gods plan. [Alas, there is hope!] Jesus came to save the world, not condemn it! It is the very scripture right after the famous John 3:16 which is of course John 3:17 "God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save the world."
He offers you His peace but first He had to give up His very life in order to satisfy the Holy requirements of reconciliation of sinful creatures with a Holy God. Because with a holy God sin cannot go unpunished. So Christ stood in the gap long ago on that day He was crucified and He took all our punishment for all sins[past, present, and future btw] so that we might be able to co-exist with our Heavenly Father and truly be free form all condemnation["should not perish"Jn.3:16 in an eternal life(what's so bad about eternal? it's yet another popular theme(i.e. the universe sometimes if you're an atheist or someone who believes in re-incarnation, etc.) His love is so great who would want it to end?]. "So if the Son makes you free you will be free indeed,"John 8:36 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."Romans 8:1 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16
Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him." 2Sam.14:14

If all this is true, wouldn't you want someone to tell you about the deep and awesome love and peace of Christ? If those of us who experience this awesome love and freedom and enjoyment of a truly abundant life didn't truly care, we'd be indifferent, which is totally callous. "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" John 14:6 So if what Jesus Christ himself claims to be true really is true, then there is a decision to be made, a calling that requires a response. *-So, . . . will you surrender your life to Him this very hour, this very night, this very day?

He sacrificed his life so that you might have it and have it to the fullest. "The thief comes not but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I am come that they might have life, and might have it abundantly."John 10:10 Do you yourself desire that peace ? If so , you can have it! For those of us who have we can rejoice in what He's given us and lovingly share that with others along the way. But if you have not and you decide to do so, please, let a fellow follower of Christ know and get in a church [that has the Bible as its only source of doctrine] as soon as possible. To all: seize this opportunity to reflect upon, enjoy and appreciate what Our Awesome Creator has done for us this Easter season.

*Those interested in surrendering their lives to Christ simply must confess with your mouth that Jesus is God then ask that He become Lord over your life. In Romans 10:9-11 the Bible says that: "9 If you say with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved from the punishment of sin. 10 When we believe in our hearts, we are made right with God. We tell with our mouth how we were saved from the punishment of sin. 11 The Holy Writings say, "No one who puts his trust in Christ will ever be put to shame." (Isaiah 28:16) Thereafter you are to follow him and take up your cross denying yourself daily. "24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."Mttw. 16:24, Luke 9:23 In order to come after Him Just ask Him to truly forgive all the wrongs/sins you've ever done/committed against God, yourself and others and He will honor a contrite heart "For this is what the high and lofty One says-- he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite." Isa. 57:15. Enjoy your new life in Christ and get discipled as soon as possible. If you need prayer TBN or the 700 Club are good places to start until you get hooked up with a local body of Christ that uses the Bible as it's only source of doctrine. If you have further questions there are some excellent websites out there; a few of which are mentioned on the right hand side of this blog. Here is a good resource to start:

Sincerely, a devout follower of the Most High God: Jesus Christ,
Mrs. Tiffany Renee Phillips

Thursday, March 20, 2008

hey "Denae"

hey "Denae" <--you know who you are. Thanx for the beautiful pic.s. You should think about taking a photography class. There is so much in store for you .... chica! I love you and miss hanging out. Surrender can be a beautiful thing and it's not as hard as we sometimes percieve.

I love you. -Tiffany

Keys to Unity

Free pic .online
I was blessed to wake up early enough this morning to catch a Joyce Meyer episode on TBN(it airs @ 5:30 am). The title was : "What's in a name?" Of course the name is that of Jesus Christ. She and her guests were discussing the faith behind speaking his name, whether that be in a time of prayer or just a time of need. They relayed a story of a man who saw his child in the street and a car was headed straight for the little one. This apparently all happened in a matter of seconds and the father had, literaly, no time to respond physically and he simply spoke (with faith behind it) the name of Jesus and the car came to a screeching halt with the child right in front of the front fender completely unharmed. The father afterwards walked to the driver's side of the car and the person was crying. He asked why and they said because their foot was still completely pressed to the floor on the accalerator and they never removed it to put on the brakes. With that said, Jesus Christ is who He says He is and He has all power on heaven and earth to do as He so pleases. The question is: will we acknowledge that fact? and then how will we respond to His awesome call on our lives? He uses us as fallible creatures(not an excuse to sin) but is glorified in our weaknesses. If you're someone looking @ all the faults of the Christian, you're looking at the wrong source. Jesus is our source, and that's the point. He demands that you look to him and not all His children in a growth process. He says : "Ask and it will be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened."Mttw.7:7 But here's the key, you must be willing and open to His will, not your own. Let Christ open the door to your heart this year, chances are He's already been knocking, will you respond?

Being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit is one of the surest keys to unity within the body of Christ, which is why I believe it to be no coincidence that when I asked God what to title my very first blog entry that it was He who gave me the words. May you be tremendously blessed as you explore coming to Him this Easter season. "Come near to God and He will come near to you." James 4:8

Sincerely, a blessed child of the Most High God (my *sweet* Jesus),

Tiffany Renee

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bundles of Joy

This little guy is one of the most precious blessings I encounter almost daily. His name is Triston and he is just learning to crawl...well, sort of. He gets up on his hind legs, first on his knees and then on the tippy-toes of his little feet. He hasn't figured out yet how to push each individual knee forward so he just lunges forward, all gung-ho, with his hind legs and lands with a little thump on his chest, arms flailing at his sides and then repeats the process and slowly inches his way forward. I've been his daytime nanny since Jan. 08 and have loved nearly every minute of it. As all nannies, moms, or any caretaker of a baby knows, there are those days where it's simply exhausting but as always, completely and totally worth it! What a joy it is to have him in our lives. Jason got to spend a few hours with him just the other day. He was so tired, we thought this made for an absolutely adorable pic. Enjoy!

What's in a name?

Photo by "Denea"
Reborn! <--That's what the literal meaning of my middle name is. Isn't it wonderful? I think so, and here's why: When I was little and people gave me small items with my name (my first name that is-->Tiffany) they would display my name with the meaning: "the appearance of God".

At first glance I thought this to be cocky, some might say down right blasphemous. But then for what my mind could come up with as a teenager, I thought, "oh, I get it, like the image of God that we're all created in." Well after a while that didn't suffice because it sounded too generic....uh yeah! <--no humility needed there! ;-)
So, annyway... it seemed that for whatever reason I was never really satisfied with the meaning of my name. My thought process was somewhere along the lines of "That's not fair! My name is so generic, everybody is made in the image of God, so what makes me special?"

Later in life(after I'd matured somewhat, and also given my life over to Christ) I was encouraged by a dear sister in Christ (the beautiful and lovely Kitara) who happened to be the MC for a Scoob Serious concert at the time. She really hit home the message to truely, deeply, know the meaning of your name.
I was really thinking about the meaning of my name (0nce again) and I thought [or the Lord brought to mind, rather] in order for a person to have the "appearance of God" they need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And when you approach someone, or are around someone who has that relationship and spends a lot of time in His presence there's a certain aura around them, and sometimes when we can't figure out what it is, it is simply this: they're giving off the essence of Christ or His anointing (they can't even help it, they're filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit and so in tune with where God wants them that they're overflowing with His essence). I thought that this is what it truely means to have the "appearance of God". Now my name means so much more because I have an opportunity to truely live up to it. For, in order for me to have the "appearance of God" I must first be in a deeply personal relationship with Jesus Christ and I must have made Him the Lord over my life and I must spend time in His presence(which He so graciously offers for us daily regardless of circumstance). So, how delighted was I when I realized how beautifully my two names fit together, for in order to have the "appearance of God" I must be (as Jesus himself put it -John3:3) "Born again" which is the literal meaning of my middle name. How precious of Our Lord and Savior to think of us individually-Psalm 139 but to also be blessed to recieve a name that carries with me (regardless of my last name changing because of marriage) a meaning that glorifies a life overflowing with the Master of the Universe, Our Wonderful Creator, the reconcilliation of fallen man with His forgiving and loving Lord, Christ Himself. A life full of love, joy, peace and happiness, the truest fulfillment of all time! How absolutely wonderful! I shall never be the same again. For I am truely blessed with so much from My Lord that I could never have imagined on my own. Ultimately the relationship with Him that is so precious and near to my heart. To me, He is the only thing worth living for...that is for a few more entries. But for now, I will never have to miss out on an opportunity to glorify God in reference to the meaning of my name. Praise Him always. -Tiffany Renee

btw- happy Easterddd<-These look like tulips, but who knows, maybe they were meant to be webbed feet :o)